Banking and Financial Services IT Solutions

Strengthen your firm’s market share with our outsourced IT services and support.

Financial Technology Services

Atlantic-IT understands your highly competitive field and the challenges your financial organization faces, especially when it comes to state and federal compliance. By partnering with us, the efficiency and quality of your processes will markedly improve. Additionally, customer loyalty increases knowing that personal data is protected 24/7. We invite you to explore the numerous benefits your financial institution gains by outsourcing with Atlantic-IT:


Increase efficiency through internal information sharing


Maximize the return on your technology investment


Eliminate costly downtime


Minimize IT threats with managed security and reporting


Ensure industry compliance and continuity requirements


Enhance customer experience


Create customized, multi-channel networks


With our CISO services and FINRA experts, Atlantic-IT is your one-stop source for all your financial and banking IT needs.

Mergers and Acquisitions IT Services

Acquiring a company or merging two successful companies requires IT due diligence and Atlantic-IT understands the pitfalls of merging two IT-enabled businesses that often aren’t made to easily be integrated. The merging of support systems, billing programs, and consolidation of IT platforms will allow you to focus on the development of your new company while we handle the IT. There is no short-cut to making the IT of two businesses flow together, but with meticulous planning, understanding of your goals, and ensuring a viable integration plan, Atlantic-IT will help your acquisition run smoothly.

FINRA Expertise

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is a private self-regulatory organization that regulates all security firms that do business with the public in the United States. The penalties and litigation expenses FINRA imposes are harsh: FINRA enforced 1,434 disciplinary actions against registered brokers and firms in 2016. Because the technology FINRA uses is sophisticated and comprehensive, banking and financial institutions cannot risk non-compliance. When you partner with Atlantic-IT, you can feel confident that your firm is up-to-date and compliant with FINRA’s regulations.

CISO Services

Atlantic-IT understands that not all banking institutions have the same technology needs, and because there’s no one model for success, most companies require a customized plan. Atlantic-IT offers CISO (Chief Information Security Officer)  services that are scalable and affordable. Our CISO services provide access to senior level Information Security expertise without the expense of hiring a full-time C-Level executive. Whether you need CISO services for a short time or you need a more long-term solution, our customizable solutions can help. And because you set the pace — you control the costs.

Why Atlantic-IT?

Our outsourced IT services provide industry-specific solutions for all your banking and financial IT needs. We utilize the most trusted and innovative technology to streamline your IT processes without causing unnecessary downtime. If your employees need assistance to serve your customers better, our Support Center is ready to help. Call today to see how Atlantic-IT can advance your financial or banking operations.

We take customer satisfaction to the next level: Always Clients First.