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Cybercriminals and scammers target SMBs

Running a small business is not easy. Whether you are a budding entrepreneur learning the ropes of a new enterprise, or a small business coping with the strains of success.  Rest assured you will find your way into the crosshairs of cybercriminals and scammers.

Build it and they will come

The world we live in is filled with bad actors. Whether you want to accept it or not, there are malicious people that want to hurt your business. Some want to hurt your business just for the pleasure of it.  Others for profit and still others do it unwillingly through sheer ignorance. One such individual might even be on your payroll!

Now more than ever it is critical that as a business leader you understand the types of threats your business faces on a daily basis. The threats to your business are not just external, but internal as well. You need to understand the threats and the actions needed to safeguard your organization from those wishing to do it harm.

Types of Online Threats

As a business leader you not only need to understand the hostile cyber ecosystem you work in, but you need to recognize and act to threats before they materialize and debilitating harm. The following a quick overview of some of the more popular ones you might encounter.

There are many forms of scams SEO companies need to deliver results

Mobile Malware: Mobile malware is malicious software specifically written to attack mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches. These types of malware rely on exploits of particular mobile operating systems and mobile phone technology. There are several different forms of mobile malware, not all of which are the same as those affecting desktop operating systems. Additionally, if you click on the wrong image or link, or use software that has reached its end-of-life you might be opening a door just wide enough for a cyber thief to sneak in. offers a virtualized environment designed to your business from malicious attacks, lost or stolen devices called the Atlantic Global Connect Station. For more information.  >>Click Here<<

Search Engine Optimization Scams: Boosting search engine ranking and the tools to do it with should be part of an organization’s marketing stack no matter the size. This is an area where companies often get ripped off by good talking, smooth walking so-called SEO professionals that manage to elicit money from companies without delivery much in return.

Don't be fooled by online scams

Vanity Scams: We all want to be acknowledged and fas “special”. Let’s say that out of nowhere, you receive an invitation to spend a weekend with the titans of industry. Yes, you. Finally… the big boys have taken notice! Or have they?  You receive a beautiful letter from a magazine (you never heard of). The letter declares that after several months of secret deliberations the committee has selected “YOU” to grace its cover. However, there is a catch.  There is always a catch.  The board of trustees (so they say) has instructed the selection committee not to make it official until your company sponsor’s the cover of their magazine. Bottom line these folks are hoping your need for recognition is greater than your common sense.

Phishing and Smishing: Phishing is as old as the internet. Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message (smishing) by someone posing as a legitimate institution. The purpose of the scam is to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking, and credit card details, or passwords. At the end of the day no matter how sophisticated the technology, humans are the weakest link of any security system. has a phishing intrusion test that can help identify and fortify weak links (both human and technical) in a security system.  For more information>>Click Here<<

How to Safeguard your business from internet attacks and scams

Your employees, on one hand, can be your weakest link and on the other your strongest asset in the fight against cyber scams.   You need to educate and empower your employees.  Simulation training like the ones offered by will provide you and your employees with the tools needed to recognize and properly manage online threats. For more information on how to safeguard, your business Click Here.