Atlantic-IT : Blog provides services to help internal IT departments who require backup. Technical expertise, extra hands and IT consulting.

Does Your Internal IT Department Need Backup? 

Does Your Internal IT Department Need Backup?

Is your in-house IT department continually lagging on projects? Are they struggling to meet the needs of your business? Are you planning to expand, but feel that your IT team can’t keep up with your growing IT needs? Is your IT team struggling to keep up with the latest advancements in technology? If you answered yes to all of these questions, then your IT department needs help.

Technology is quickly advancing and being integrated into the business environment. For this reason, every company requires an efficient IT department to keep up with these changes. The integration of modern technology and the delivery of tech-driven services will enable your company to remain relevant and competitive.

With most small businesses lacking the financial capability to hire a full-time professional IT department, they usually rely on an understaffed IT department. Although an internal IT department gives you the advantage of working with a team that understands your business’s policies, strategies, and goals, there are many drawbacks to an in-house IT department. They include:

  • Lack of Expertise and Experience: Compared to outsourced IT companies, an in-house team does not present you with the same expertise and years of experience.
  • Lack of 24/7 System Support: Your internal IT team’s support is mostly limited to working hours. Having 24/7 support will require your employees to work overtime, and this will cost you money.

Relying solely on a small IT team may not enable your company to exploit its technological capabilities fully. The question then becomes: how do you improve your IT capabilities?

What Next? For most small businesses, hiring a full-time IT department is not an option due to their limited financial capabilities. To get relevant skills, most companies are turning to outsourced It services. provides services to help internal IT departments who require backup. Technical expertise, extra hands and IT consulting.

Outsourcing Managed IT Services

By outsourcing IT services, you partially or fully delegate your IT infrastructure to a third-party organization. With companies struggling to keep up with the advancing technology, the demand for outsourced IT services has dramatically risen. A study conducted by published that the global managed IT services market is forecasted to be valued at more than 300 billion US dollars in the next few years. Outsourcing enables an organization to get the expertise they require without the hassle of hiring a full IT department.

What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing IT Services?

  • You Get Access to High Levels of Expertise and Years of Working Experience: Compared to most companies, managed IT companies are known to hire many experts and provide them with training and certifications for professional development. The team of experts will offer your company years of experience using a range of technologies and ensure that you can get assistance for whatever project you’re pursuing.
  • Get Cost-Effective IT Services: Outsourcing IT services provide you with a cost-effective way of assessing expertise. Hiring, training, and maintaining a full-time IT department and paying salaries, benefits, overtime, and insurance is expensive. By outsourcing your IT department, you leave the training, management, and any other aspects that come with hiring actual employees to your IT support provider.
  • Your IT Costs Become Predictable: When you outsource from an IT company, you get charged a regular fixed monthly fee. This monthly rate offers greater predictability in terms of IT expenses and also lowers overall IT costs. As a result, you will not receive high unexpected costs on your bill, making budgeting for your IT departments much more comfortable.
  • Your Get Cloud-Based Computing Services: With businesses being remotely run, the demand for data on the go is rapidly increasing. This has led to a rise in demand for cloud-based computing services. Your IT support company will provide you with experts in cloud-based computing services that will move your data to the cloud, update your data regularly, frequently test your data integrity, and maintain the platform for you.
  • You Get Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions: Your IT company offers you a data backup and recovery solution and ensures that your data can be recovered from an accident or disaster. This recovery system will enable your business operations to continue to run in the case of data loss.
  • Your Security Is Improved: IT companies are known to invest in security by staying up to date with emerging IT security tools. An IT support company continually conducts risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities, monitor your systems, and provides long-lasting security solutions to intercept attacks.
  • You Get Access to the Latest Technology: Many businesses struggle to keep up with the latest technology advancements. An IT company gives you access to this technology at a lower cost, allowing you to remain relevant and competitive.
  • You Get 24/7/365 System Monitoring and Support: All competitive and reputable outsourcing IT companies offer 24/7 onsite network monitoring and support. Unlike with an internal IT team, you do not have to worry about them taking holidays, getting sick, or any disruptions. The IT support provider will also offer you remote maintenance and monitoring services for your systems.
  • You Can Quickly Scale Your Company: Investing in an IT company offers your company the flexibility of switching to new products, personnel, and services that will meet your expansion needs. Additionally, if you’re scaling down your business, you can reduce your external team size.
  • You Get a Responsive Helpline Desk Service: Your systems will not always work as you’ve planned. Thus, it is vital to have a highly responsive and proactive helpline desk to offer assistance during a technical glitch. An IT company will offer a dedicated out of working hours helpline service that ensures you get IT support when you need it, your needs are quickly addressed, and guarantee you uptime.
  • You Get Compliance and Auditing Services: With the regulatory landscape continually changing, new ways of protecting client data are implemented. IT support providers provide companies with compliance experts that will simplify these laws and help you satisfy these requirements in your company.

Are Thinking of Outsourcing IT Support?

Atlantic-IT offers managed IT solutions to companies in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. With years of expertise and experience, we are your trusted IT company.

Please consult with us today, and let us help you get IT solutions that will meet your business’s needs.