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Do you have the tools you need to support remote workers? Consider these preparedness questions and how an IT company can provide the solutions you need.  

IT Pandemic Planning
Can Your Company Support a Remote Workforce During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

IT Solutions for Companies Working Remotely During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Do you have the tools you need to support remote workers? Consider these preparedness questions and how an IT company can provide the solutions you need.  

As the COVID-19 pandemic forces many employees to work remotely, business managers may be uncertain as to how to create an IT infrastructure that supports employees working from home full-time. Finding the right solutions, however, doesn’t have to be a matter of trial and error. It’s possible to maintain business continuity, even as you transition to working remotely. Partnering with an IT services provider can help you make the shift as smoothly as possible. As you adjust your tech network to accommodate employees working from home, consider these questions.

Can Your Company Support a Remote Workforce

Is Your Data Adequately Backed Up?

Even though you may never need it, it’s always wise to have a disaster recovery plan. As the coronavirus threatens to disrupt business operations, it’s essential to do everything possible to ensure that you can conduct business as usual, should an unforeseen event occur. With a disaster recovery plan, if your location is impacted by a natural disaster or other adverse events, you can still retrieve company data. An IT partner provides reliable data-storage solutions, so crucial information is always within reach.

Is Your Network Secure and Accessible to Remote Employees?

Having your entire workforce doing their jobs remotely raises new concerns surrounding security and access. You may have employees logging into your network from Internet connections that aren’t secure, such as the public wi-fi at coffee shops. Unfortunately, hackers are using the COVID-19 outbreak as an opportunity to ramp up attacks on unsuspecting workers. You may want to require your staff to provide additional verification (also known as two-factor authentication or 2FA) when signing in.

Another access issue involves bandwidth capacity, especially for employees who share their Internet connection with other household members. Setting up a virtual private network (VPN) can enhance data access and security.

Do You Have Established Policies to Keep Employees Informed?

Business of all sizes is contending with rapid changes during this global crisis. It’s crucial to coordinate how you will communicate with employees as you adjust operations to align with telecommuting. Decide how you will keep everyone informed about new procedures and technologies, and how you will structure employees’ return to working on-location.

Similarly, employees should be made aware of new challenges that may arise in securing company data. Workers sometimes inadvertently commit data breaches or introduce malware and other threats to company networks because they aren’t aware of digital dangers. It’s essential, therefore, to train your employees on how to recognize and report potential network threats. Educating them on how to look for suspicious emails and texts will go a long way toward ensuring that sensitive data remains private. IT service providers can assist you in establishing policies and protocols to prevent personal information from becoming compromised internally.

Do You Have a Business Partner to Help you Upgrade Your Infrastructure?

Having an IT partner is vital when you’re transitioning to remote work. IT consultants recommend products and services that allow you to carry on operations without interruption. Tech experts are also on hand to provide on-demand customer support for your team, so they’re not left to solve problems on their own.

The right technology solutions enable you to make the most of available digital resources. Additionally, enlisting the services of an IT provider can optimize efficiency, productivity, and morale during an otherwise chaotic time.

Contact Atlantic-IT to learn more about pandemic-preparedness. Give us a call at {phone}.