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Time To Switch IT Companies

Why Should You Switch IT Companies?

Is It Time To Switch IT Companies?

Modern businesses depend on technology for virtually all aspects of their operations – from staying in communication with partners, customers, and employees to accessing important information that allows you to move forward on important tasks. If your technology isn’t functioning properly, your employees are unable to do their jobs properly.

An IT company plays a critical role in helping you stay productive as they monitor and maintain your systems to keep them running at peak performance, but if they’re not doing their job, it’s time to move on.

How To Know If It’s Time To Switch

Aside from a gut feeling, how do you know they’re not doing their job? Here are a few signs it’s time to make a change:

You Keep Experiencing The Same Issues

Maybe your email is going down once every other month, or your computers are super slow and glitchy, no matter how many times you’ve called them in to resolve the issue. If you’re experiencing the same issues over and over again, they’re not fixing them properly the first time around.

You Don’t Receive Strategic, Not Salesy, Guidance

In today’s day and age, technology is essential, and you need to be using it strategically to meet your short and long-term goals. If they’re not sitting down with you to talk about your technology strategy regularly – without trying to sell you something – it’s time to move on.

You Keep Getting Hidden Fees Or Surprises On Your Bill

This goes hand in hand with sitting down with you to talk strategically on a regular basis. During these conversations, they should be filling you in on any upgrades or changes that need to be made, helping you budget for them, and making sure you’re prepared. If you see hidden fees or surprises on your bill, they’re not doing their job in terms of communication.

You Have Virus Infections Far Too Often

If you’re struggling with virus infections despite your IT company claiming to have security measures in place, it’s time to inquire about what security measures they have in place. They should implement a multi-layered approach that incorporates firewalls, anti-virus software, multi-factor encryption, and more to keep you safe.

How Do You Switch IT Companies?

If you’ve decided that it’s time to switch IT companies, the first step is finding an IT company that will exceed your expectations going forward. Here are a few things to look for:

  • A breadth of services, including cybersecurity, strategic planning, cloud-based business phones, network design, and implementation, and more
  • A long-standing reputation with clients who would be willing to share their experiences with you, as well as testimonials and case studies to review
  • A knowledgeable, experienced team of technicians who know what they’re doing and have certifications in the technologies you use

Once you’ve found an IT company that you’re satisfied with and feel confident working alongside, here are a few steps to follow throughout the transition:

Get Control Of Your Network

First and foremost, make sure you have full control of your network and files. Although many IT companies are great about transitioning out of the contract, some will try to hold your information hostage. Make sure you have full control before you do anything else.

Acquire All Of The Necessary Documentation

Your new IT company should be able to assist you with this. You will need access to all of your documentation, including a list of accounts, usernames, passwords, and any other details that will make the transition smoother.

Get Copies Of Your Backups

Naturally, this is assuming your IT company has been taking backups of everything. If they have, make sure you have all of the backups before you transition. This will make the process a lot less stressful, knowing you have copies of everything necessary.

Perform An Extensive Security Assessment

Your new IT company should perform an extensive security assessment, especially if you’ve been having challenges with virus infections. This will ensure they know exactly what vulnerabilities and backdoors need to be resolved right away.

Give Notice To Your Current Technology Support Company

Now it’s time to give notice to your current technology support company and let them hand over anything left to complete the transition. If things get hostile, it’s helpful if your new IT company is familiar with transitions like this as they can handle the process going forward.

For further assistance with switching IT companies, click here to get in touch with one of our representatives or call us at (877) 936-3328.