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Does Your Business Need a Virtual CIO?

Virtual Np, PA

If you are a business with visions of growth, then you have to embrace technology.  Technology is the catalyst and driver that enhances productivity.   The problem is that not every business can afford to allocate the necessary funds to properly staff an IT department or an IT professional on call.

Most IT experts working with small businesses are mostly managing tactical issues.  There is very little time dedicated to planning, monitoring and nurturing an IT strategy.  For most small businesses having a virtual CIO (Chief Technology Officer) is affordable and flexible

What is a Virtual CIO?

A Virtual CIO (Chief Information Officer) also known as a vCIO, is a consultant, or business that offers either a full-time or part-time person to an organization to fulfill the role of a conventional CIO for them. The vCIO takes care of everything from firewall and virus protection to infrastructure management as well as the development and monitoring of an IT strategy. The virtual chief information officer needs to safeguard company data and make it accessible 24/7.
But the vCIO is really more than just a person, it is a portfolio of bundled services designed to cover discrepancies in your IT department. These services are of particular importance to smaller companies that cannot afford an IT department, let alone a CIO.

Why Have a CIO?

Most small and medium-sized companies (SMBs) do not have a CIO because of cost. Hiring an executive comes with a lot of expenses. When you do the math (6 figure salary, office space, equipment, benefits, etc.) the numbers add up rather quickly. A virtual CIO, by comparison, comes with none of these costs but comes with a predictable monthly fee.

Security and Disaster Planning

Security has to be a top priority for a CIO and for any SMB that would like to stay in business. A security breach in a small business can have devastating effects because most small businesses do not have the resources to fully from such attacks. One of the key benefits of contracting a virtual CIO is that your business will benefit from the vCIO’s experience, and services the “V” team provides in the development and execution of a plan in the event of an outage, natural disaster or attack

IT Management, Monitoring, and Maintenance

With so many Microsoft products reaching the end of life status, it is important to manage upgrades and transitions. Using unsupported software and equipment can leave you vulnerable to cybercriminals. That is just one example of the many IT department items you need to monitor and manage.  Small companies with limited resources will find it difficult if not impossible to keep up with the challenges and 24/7 upkeep that modern day technology requires. For more information on Virtual CIO, Click Here